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Mindset for success by ATINUKE ADEGBOYE


Mindset for success

You can control your mind, or you can let it control you. Refusing to leave things to chance shows inner strength, decisiveness, and a strong will.

Incredible things happen when you decide to take control of what you can control and let go of the rest. If you set your mindset for success, you will reach your goals more quickly and will then find yourself with the opportunity to create new, and possibly even bigger, goals

Change your mindset, change your life. This is a slogan that is used often, yet many of us tell ourselves it’s too late to learn something new or change careers. Living with these limiting beliefs creates a self-fulfilling prophecy: we believe we can’t, so we don’t. If we instead lived in terms of “I can” and “I will”, imagine what we could achieve in life!

Mindset can be said to be positive or negative:

A positive mindset is critical to achieving your goals and dreams in life and you can cultivate this mindset if you are willing to change your way of thinking. Instead of judging experiences in terms of failures and successes, frame them in a positive light. You will have challenges and obstacles along the way. Recognize that all of them can help you grow and become a better person. If your mindset is negative, problems will grow in strength and constantly pull you down, sending you on detours of thought into some bad neighbourhoods. On the other hand, with a positive mindset you will think of problems as a reason to be creative and come up with innovative solutions. The biggest problem is seeing problems as problems.

Successful people know that when you focus on problems you have more problems, but when you focus on possibilities you have more opportunities.

The following are smart mindsets you can cultivate to achieve success:

Have a growth mindset: You should embrace a growth mindset. This is the mindset that will allow you to dream big and push the boundaries of your ideas to new levels. With a growth mindset, people believe that their talents and abilities can be developed over time through experience and mentorship, so they push themselves and “go for it.” The belief that you are in control of your own ability and can learn and improve is the key to success.

Performance goals motivate us to show others that we possess valued attributes, such as intelligence and social skill, and to prove to ourselves that we have them. By contrast, learning goals motivate us to develop valued attributes.”

Be a Risk Taker: Do something completely out of your comfort zone and your mind will become nimbler. As a result, you’ll learn to push yourself to new heights. Those who fail to get out of their comfort zone often end up with a rigid mindset. An unwillingness to take risks stymies progress, and you will ultimately fizzle out. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, just make sure that you learn from your mistakes to avoid making same mistakes again. Instead of trying to hide or make excuses, consider what you can take away from these experiences as you go forward.

Personal Development: A thirst for knowledge is something that can never be quenched and should be a lifelong quest.  No matter what your level of education, you should never stop learning, Endeavour to improve on what you know, have and be more than what you are today. Develop yourself in every area to achieve success in those areas and do not relent in your effort. You don’t pretend to know it all but are open to learning and growth and development, with a mind that’s fresh and enthusiastic and free of bias. Experience holds lessons for us all, but you have to remain teachable to take advantage of them.

Be healthy in mind and body: Physical and mental agility is crucial in maintaining a Mindset for success, being fit and healthy creates more positive thoughts than negative and helps you to take the daily action necessary to achieve your priorities. By staying fit and healthy, you have endless energy and enthusiasm for life, and act in a more loving way.” Physical exercise and positive thoughts assist with positive mindset and gives you a constant boost of ‘feel-good’ endorphins.

Set goals and work to achieve them: Having a dream is great, but having a dream and setting goals is smart, because goals are how dreams become achievable.

The most successful people are constantly setting and working towards their goals to make a positive difference. Goals makes the invisible visible; they let you structure your thinking to always be looking for something you can do to bring you closer to what you want to achieve. Goals lead you to ask every day, “What am I doing that will move me toward where I want to be and what I want to achieve.?” Successful people not only set goals, they set them high. And they don’t stop until they reach them.

Decision-making is a huge key to success. We make many decisions each day, and they either take us closer or farther away from our goals. Do you know what effects your decisions are having on your goals? Spend a few minutes thinking about the last few decisions you’ve made and decide whether they are in line with your goals or taking you farther away from them.

The best part is that positivity breeds positivity; when you adopt a glass-half-full attitude, it will start to guide everything you do. The truth is success doesn’t automatically bring happiness — but a positive frame of mind will invite success into your life. All it takes is a few simple tweaks to your thinking to become your happiest, most fulfilled self.

If you’re serious about being successful, cultivate these smart mindsets and see where they take you.     

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