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Get Motivated

Get Motivated 
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Les Brown
Having a vision for your life allows you to live out of hope, rather than out of your fears.” Stedman Graham
Do you have a dream you want to achieve? How long have you been planning? How long have you been praying? Praying is very important but praying without action will lead to frustration. Faith without works is dead.
My friend,  take positive action with the rest of the year. Yes you have a goal, yes you have a plan, but nothing will happen to your goal and plan if you do not take action. It is good to have a dream but you must know when to snap out of your dream and turn it into reality.
You will not be remembered for what you planned to do but what you actually did.
The weather may not be favorable but if you decide to wait for the perfect condition you may wait forever.
A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.
Impossible is not a word in the vocabulary of successful entrepreneurs. It’s only an excuse not to try. Delete.” ~@PamMktgNut
People will not celebrate you because you have good dreams, you will only be celebrated if you can turn your dreams into results.
Actions are what will make your dreams come to life. Is it your desire to become financially independent? Then, act like it. Would you like to be in great physical shape? Then, act like it. The actions you take will create the reality of your life. Those people who have achieved financial independence have done so by acting in a certain way. You can do the same. Wishing will not make it so. Complaining will not make it so. Your actions will make it so. Every moment of every day you have the opportunity to mold your life by virtue of the actions you take. Are your actions leading where you want to be? The moment you start to think and act like a winner, then you are a winner. Your actions are tools for creating the life you want. Who do you want to be? What do you want to have? How do you want to live? Act like it and it will happen for you, because….. You have GREATNESS within you!
Kehinde Olagbenjo

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