The woman hand is putting a coin in a glass bottle and a pile of coins on a brown wooden table,Investment business, retirement, finance and saving money for future concept.


The secret to increasing your savings lies  in your hands. It is something you alone can do to help yourself and it is also a good way of preventing you from falling into a ditch. It is always horrible, depressing and heart broken when you desperately in need of funds and nobody to turn to for help. That used to be my story until I attended a financial conference, I made a decision on consciously turning my financial situation around which I did with determination and I know you can do the same.

                Let us get started on how to multiply your savings. You will have to learn how to put your savings hat on. A lot of people do not know how to control there selves when it comes to buying,  some people buy because they want to show off, which I term fake life, some buy  not because they need the stuff but because others are buying, which at the end of the day does not make sense. This happens in most cases because you have a lot of money freed up. The first step here is for you to put your savings on autopilot, make it a habit, you do not save after spending rather you save from the bulk and spend from the remaining. Do a direct debit from your salary to another account you really do not have easy access to. This will help you a great deal. There are people that shop on impulse, which Watts calls “Amazon shopping” one good way to put this in check is by signing off social media.  At least for you to achieve your goal in having financial  freedom. Most people   do not have the ability to think twice, but in a situation where the money is not available at the moment of purchase, which probably will take a process, that process can discourage them, because there is in between time to think. 

                     Have a rethink where to stash your money. What type of banking are you doing, go into your bank and speak to someone that will tell you the type of investment they have,  instead of your money just seating in your account without working for you. The financial adviser will take you through all the risk that is attached to the different investments available.  Instead of keeping that money under your mattress, it will be worth the effort of you going in to find out good deals. Do not forget the online banks as well because they offer higher rates of interest due to low overhead expenses. Do not forget the stock market as well.

                       The beginning of the year is a  good time for you to start saving. 2020 is still very fresh, if you missed it in January, you can actually start now. Include saving this year as part of your goals, and you will thank me by the end of the year. In fact your personal testimonies will encourage others to do same. If you already have a bad credit, don’t worry just start, although you need the hat of discipline to be able to fulfill this journey, self discipline plays a major role in this,  the ability for you to stay focused is very important, distraction is not permitted. Make a list of your expenses put the important once at the top like house rent, feeding allowance, travel allowance to work, utility bills and other important items, scrap out your wants for now and concentrate on your needs which will help you a great deal.

Go on a cash diet, live a simple lifestyle,  that can help you save thousand of money over time. Give up all your credit cards, budget on the cash you have and you will see things turning around for good. It looks so impossible but I tell you, it is achievable. I have tried it and it worked for me.  I have also given lectures to both young and old with great feedbacks.  

Finally, remember you owe no one any explanation, it is your life, your journey and you owe it all to yourself. I know you will be so proud of yourself at the end of the day. Let us get started now.

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