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A sister decided to marry a so called “evangelist” that was invited to hold a revival programme in her church. But her pastor warned her to go and pray very well because he was not convinced that the evangelist was real. 

She never bordered to pray because she was carried away by the “anointing” and charisma of the evangelist. She believed all would be well. After a while, they got married and the ‘evangelist’ told her she must not become pregnant and even if she became pregnant by mistake she must abort it because he had made a covenant never to have a child for the rest of his life. The sister was shocked because he didn’t tell her there would be no pregnancy after their wedding.

The sister became pregnant but refused to abort it. For this, the so-called evangelist poisoned her. She was rushed to a hospital but she did not survive. She died! The man was arrested but later released.

The heart of man is desperately wicked. That is why you need God’s guidance in choosing a life-partner.

The Scripture says: “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways. According to the fruit of his doings. Jeremiah 17:9-10 NKJV

Who searches the heart of a man? The Lord searches the heart of a man. Let Him search the heart of the person you want to marry. Nothing is hidden before God. You should always let the will of God prevail in your life when it comes to very important

issues like marriage. (Prov. 14:12; Matt. 26:39). 

The decision you make concerning your relationship will determine how your tomorrow will be. Be wise!

When I was still praying to God for a life partner, I met my wife when I went to minister in her church. As soon as I saw her I had a revelation at first sight that she was my wife. Before then I had met so many virtuous sisters that I liked so much but God told me they were not meant for me. In fact a particular sister came to me that God told her I was her husband. But when I prayed, God said she was not the one for me until I finally met my wife. 

When I proposed to my wife, She did not say yes to me immediately, she went to pray too. She allowed God to lead her. We obeyed God and there has never been any cause to regret it. She is the best gift I have ever received from God after my salvation.

Never propose to a lady if you are not sure of God’s leading. Be sure you are convinced by the Holy Spirit before making your intention known to a sister. And sisters, do not  say yes to a brother when God has not spoken to you about him.

The people of the world will tell you to trust and follow your heart. If you don’t want to make marital mistakes, follow the conviction of the Holy Spirit because the Bible says: “He who trusts in his heart is a fool. Proverbs 28:26

Prov. 3:5-6 says:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path 

One of the major ways to determine God’s  will in marriage is through prayers. {Matt 26:41, 1 Thess 5:17} As soon as you are born again and getting mature for marriage, begin to pray 

regularly for God to guide you. Do not take any step until you have prayed. 

The person proposing to you may be the most caring person you have ever seen but may also be an agent of the devil sent to destroy your great destiny. 

God will guide you by his favour to the right partner if you act in obedience without gambling, or hustling on beauty, wealth, status, social or racial dispositions.

Many times we fail to ask for God’s guidance because we want to fulfill our own will. Or we get so distracted that we don’t even consider praying. We have been fooled into thinking we can handle it all by ourselves. We need divine guidance. Why? Because this is one of the most important decisions we will ever make, one that will affect every part of our life and others like our siblings, friends and parents, for the rest of our lives. 

Any relationship which is not based on God’s leading will sooner or later have crises. 

There is this story of a lady with the call of God upon her life. She got married to a brother who appeared gentle and smiled a lot. She never bothered to pray to hear from God about the man. On the first night of their wedding, he beat her up and tore all her clothes including the ones she got as wedding presents. The second day she had to dress in a half-torn wrapper and one of his shirts to cover her nakedness. On the second night, the same thing happened. He beat her up again and tore even that half-torn wrapper and shirt she put on.

There are so many pretenders, heart breakers and fake people in church whose hearts are desperately wicked. Take your time to pray so that you won’t fall into their deadly marital traps. 

If you don’t listen to God’s voice, your choice of a life partner may end up in sorrow.

Since God is the author of marriage, it is very important to consult Him before choosing a life partner. If He brought the first woman to Adam, then no one can lead you into a marriage without sorrow like God Himself (Genesis 2:18, 21-23).

When I was in courtship with my wife, I had this inner peace that she’s the perfect will of God for my life. There was no iota of fear in me. Today, She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me after salvation. 

Divine direction is always accompanied by the peace of God. Dear, when you meet your spouse, one of the ways to recognize him or her is peace in your inner spirit. The person may not completely physically look like what you had originally imagined as spouse, yet you will have unusual peace.

Inner peace is one of the strongest signs that someone is meant for you. It comes through prayer, supplication and thanksgiving (Phil 4:6-7). God is a God of Peace (Romans 15:33; 16:20).

There should be peace and joy in your heart concerning the person you want to marry. Don’t settle for anything less than the best of God for your life because marriage is not to be endured but enjoyed. Choose wisely. Let God lead you because once you enter into marriage, you cannot change your mind again, unless you want to go against the word of God. Marriage is a lifetime journey.

Dear, it doesn’t matter how long you have been in a wrong relationship or how many people know about your relationship; let it go if it causes fear in your spirit. This is your life. Do the right thing. As long as you are in a wrong relationship, it will affect all other areas of your life.

May you not fall in love and fall into trouble in Jesus name

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