Talk it out!
Nobody actually knows the true ingredients that makes great relationships or marriages. So
many authors have written books and given pointers to what worked for them and what they
think would also work for others. So many relationship and marriage experts/counsellors on
social media and almost everywhere you find yourself,in church and amongst your group of
friends,dishing out advice from their own experiences and perspectives, some of these people
even trying to shove their own ideas down your throat forgetting that what is good for the goose
is not necessarily good for the gander. But in all the numerous attributes that are pointed out as
essential attributes that make marriages and relationships work, some are rather constant and
can’t be ignored or said to work for only a few persons, one of these attributes is
A question was thrown at me sometime ago, ‘what is the ideal number of times a couple should
call each other in a day?’ and my simple reply was ‘Is there a limit to the number of times you
are allowed to pray everyday? I’m always one to look at relationships from the ‘God’ point of
view not because I’m a religious person but because as a Christian I have learnt that God is Love
and Love is God so for me if it doesn’t go in line with God then it is not love.
Back to the question at hand, what is the ideal number of times a couple should call each other
in a day? Most couples have this issue especially those in distant relationships, trying to figure
out if they are under doing or overdoing things especially when it comes to the communication
aspect,this is because nobody wants to be seen as a bug same way nobody wants to be bugged
or constantly monitored,so we try to create limits to the level of our communication so we won’t
be tagged a monitoring spirit. But personally I don’t think there should be any limits whatsoever,
it should be based on understanding between both partners. Some persons wouldn’t mind
updating their partners on everything they did all day while some other person would feel it’s too
much and see it as insecurity on the other partners side because trying to know everything may
indicate lack of trust and also suspicion of having extra affairs and this is why it is very
important to know what your partner likes and dislikes,it helps you know when and how to do
things when it concerns them and the relationship.
Communication isn’t something that is limited to just calls and texts, it also has a lot to do with
expressions and body language. I’ve heard couples say their partners know them so well they
could just look at their facial expressions and know exactly what they want or what they want to
say, sometimes seems weird but I guess that’s what happens when the person is in sync with
your different forms of communication, well I wouldn’t really know because I’ve never
experienced such intimacy with someone but if you have I’m sure at this point you can relate. I
also have friends that say they don’t really know how to express their feelings to their partners
and most times their partners end up misinterpreting their moods and do the exact opposite of
what they actually want. Well, this is where I ask them if they expected their partners to read
their minds or something, how do you expect them to know exactly what you want when they
don’t have the ability to read minds? Why don’t you speak up and let them know? Don’t go
around blaming that person for doing the wrong thing when you actually didn’t tell them know
what it is you really want.